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Christopher Columbus

On success >>

By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.

Project Highlights


Delivery of operating model for governance and management of Master Data.

  • Business Problem: Duplicated and erroneous customer records, product lists and static business data caused a high-level of error in invoicing, reporting and business operations.

  • Solution: Strategic IT addressed this with Master Data governance and management to eliminate the errors, risks and mispostings. And enabled future integration and growth to be simpler with all parties have access to core, clean, reliable data.


Selection and implementation of Customised Off The Shelf (COTS) products.

  • Business Problem: The business required a new technology to resolve a previously manual and complex operating model. The initial view is that this would need a bespoke development.

  • Solution: Strategic IT were able to identify an approach using an existing product from an external vendor. They ran the selection (RFP) and acquisition of the product and the first implementation phases - saving significant time and money versus the previously planned bespoke development. This is now in place globally and is a foundation capability that they are continuing to develop.


Lead design and implementation of ERP (finance, supply chain, compliance) for medTech.

  • Business Problem: This business is transitioning from spreadsheet based processes. As the number of customers have grown the lack of proper systems, governance and process has been reflected in workflow, invoicing, order management and inventory issues. 

  • Solution: As advisers to this business, strategic IT have been designing business processes and implementing these within a cloud-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system so that compliance, manufacturing, inventory and customer fulfilment activity can meet the expanding demands. Stakeholders, management and operations staff have all been closely engaged throughout the process to ensure a successful outcome. 


Turnaround of failing software development project.

  • Business Problem: This client had been underway for a number of years with a development programme to implement a bespoke series of applications to replace an existing legacy capability across their business line. This multi-million pound project and investment was shown, under independent review to be not fit-for-purpose. 

  • Solution: Strategic IT were able to reshape the programme from ground-up, engage with new suppliers under a vastly altered technical remit and tight commercial agreement to lead this through to successfully deliver a solution that was globally delivered and welcomed by all within the organisation. Key to success was an ability to juggle the complexity and competing requirements of the business, technology, vendor relationships, legacy data and the requirement whilst not impacting ongoing business operations and revenue streams.


Due diligence/review/audit of technology capability.

  • Business Problem: The business were interested in acquiring a small technology business to exploit their IP and blend this into their core product suite.

  • Solution: Strategic IT have decades of experience of technology businesses and are used to carrying out audit and assessment, valuation and due diligence as client-side advisers. In this instance we were able to evaluate the technology, team, strategy and product offering providing clear guidance on the value, risks and opportunities available in this transaction. 


Strategic IT have also helped build 


The following blogs, briefings and case studies are all written in plain English

for business leaders, investors and key stakeholders

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